October 27, 2023

What is a brand implementation strategy?

What is it and how to apply it to your business.

The best brands are built on a solid foundation of unique insight and experience, which means you can't just jump into it without thinking it through, or you'll risk making mistakes that could damage your brand.

A brand implementation strategy is the plan that describes how you'll get your business to where it needs to be. The strategy will help your brand grow and evolve and ensure that you're meeting consumer expectations at every step of the way.

A brand implementation strategy should include some key points:

1- Set your brand implementation goals.

The first thing you need to do is set goals for your brand implementation strategy. This will help you stay on track as you develop new products, services and marketing techniques for your company.

What do you want to achieve? Is it increased sales? More customers? More engagement? A better reputation? Once you know your goal, you can determine the best way to achieve it.

2- Make sure you've done all the necessary preparations.

This includes:

Planning: Identify all the actions required for implementation and create an implementation plan;  

Training: Train your employees in how to use your new brand;  

Communicating: Communicate effectively with everyone involved in the implementation process such as your employees, customers and suppliers.

3- List all touchpoints where customers interact with your brand.

For example, if you own a restaurant, this could include everything from the website to social media posts, phone calls, physical locations, packaging and so on.

4- Define your target audience.

Defining your target audience can be difficult. There are many factors that go into defining a targeted audience like gender, age range, income level, lifestyle choices. All of these factors play a role in determining who will respond best to your brand.

For example, if you're launching an athletic apparel line for young adults aged 18-25 years old who have money to spend on fashion, then your target audience might be college students from wealthier families who enjoy sports and socializing with friends at bars or clubs on weekends.

5- Develop an action plan for each challenge and opportunity identified above.

This include stactics such as marketing campaigns or new product launches.

Every company has a different way of implementing their branding strategies, and each strategy is as complex as it is diverse.

The key take away from this blog should be communicating your brand's mission statement effectively to your target customers through a variety of different mediums.

If you would like to have a brand implementation strategy customized to your business, let us know and we’ll gladly schedule an appointment at our office. Thank you for reading!